Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Learning English through Armed Robbery and '80s Aerobics

This video left me jaw-dropped and singing "spare-me-my-life" all day long with the requisite arm gestures. It is just the right combination of really disturbing and bizarrely fascinating.
I had no idea what to expect next.

Zuiikin English - Sankakukin Trouble

The description accompanying the clip says:

"The amazing Japanese show that helps you learn English through a variety of dance moves and badly reenacted scenes from Western movies."

I'm not sure what Western movie that's from, but the aerobics moves and repetition are very effective. I really want to tell those smiley Japanese girls that "Take anything you want" is not the right catchphrase when you're being attacked on the street. Though that's pretty much what you can expect from a cop.
May I suggest Girl Army.

I also particularly like the inexplicable close-ups on their armpits. I sure wish I knew what Creepy Guy at the end was saying.
Thanks to Lynn for finding this.

1 comment:

  1. Old guy at the end: "So we just heard 'I was robbed by two men'. This is a phrase you might use when reporting a crime to the police. Let's try to imagine various other offensive situations and study how to report them to the police."
